Craving Midnight Read online

Page 15

  His fingers slip under the waistband of my shorts and he pulls them off. I quickly look around to see if anyone is in sight.

  “No one can see us. Not a chance of it.”

  In a couple of tugs, I’m bare from the waist down and he has my pussy spread wide open for him.

  “Hmm, isn’t this a pretty sight?”

  The chairs are large, the kind with arms on them, and he lifts me high, draping my legs over the sides of the arms.

  “But not exactly what I was going for.”

  He loops his arms under me and lifts me on the table. Under his intense scrutiny, I suddenly feel shy. I want this man to like me—really like me—and not find any faults in me. I don’t want to be that girl who needs fixing. I want to be the one who kicks ass. Only under the warmth of those dark-chocolate eyes that are inspecting the most private parts of me, I’m not feeling very kick-assy right now.

  If I could squeeze my legs together and put my hand over my vag, I would. But wouldn’t I look stupid? Me, the ex-B-rated porn star who many a man—and maybe even Harrison—has jacked off to while watching me get fucked like a rabbit. Shit. Why did I have to go there?

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing.” My squeaky answer tells him I’m a terrible liar.

  “Are you going to tell me or do I have to lick it out of you?”


  “Do I have to?” I ask.

  “Yes. I’ll find out one way or another. I’m very persuasive, you know.”

  I do know.

  “I want you to see me as someone who’s strong. And for whatever dumbass reason, I just got a big case of the nerves that you think I’m a crazy wimp.”

  “That’s it?”

  I screw up my mouth and nod.

  He doesn’t acknowledge it one way or another, but pries my legs apart and dives down onto my bare pussy. Spreading my lips, he doesn’t mess around. Going directly for my clit, he tongues me until I forget that my real name is Velvet. Then he stops, leans back, and picks up a glass of ice water. What the hell. Did that make him thirsty? Oh, hell no. He holds it over my slit and pours a long, cold stream over me.

  “Christ,” I say, twitching. The water trickles between my heated lips. The contrast is indescribable.

  Flashing me a wicked grin, he says, “It felt like you needed a little cooling off. But I’m going to heat you up again.” His mouth is a flame to that ice water. When his tongue touches me again, I’m ready for it. He pushes the tip firmly against my clit, licking and flicking hard. I’m not sure how many fingers he slides inside of me, but it’s damn good. There’s a rhythm to his game, the tongue and the hand, and my body hums harmony in response. I want more ... him. I don’t want to just climax. Well, I do. But I want to do it with him inside me. And it scares the crap out of me.

  His damn tongue is relentless to the point where I come, even though I didn’t really want to. Then I reach for his neck, wrapping my hand around it, and I look into his eyes. The sun dances in them, bringing out the dark gold tones hidden within their depths.

  My breath comes in uneven puffs and I pull him to me so our mouths connect. Breathing in his scent almost makes me dizzy. There’s nothing but the warm sinew of muscle beneath my hand and it reminds me of his strength—that same strength I felt when I crashed into him outside my door.

  Our kiss is wild, deep, with tongues dancing. His hand is in my messy hair, twisting it, pulling it. My hand is on the waist of his sweatpants, tugging, reaching for him. I need him. Inside me. We’re nothing but hands all over, grabbing each other. His are on my breasts now and mine are in his pants, closing around his cock, hard and smooth.

  “I need a condom.”

  “Yeah, yeah,” I breathe.


  My hand won’t release him. There’s a tiny drop of pre-ejaculate on the tip of him, and I rub it all over. He sucks in air.

  “I need to go ...”

  “Yeah. Inside.”

  I’m pulling him toward me, because I’m clean and on the pill. I don’t give a fuck right now about a condom. I only give a fuck about him. I need him. My thighs are spread and I touch his tip to my slick, wet opening.

  “Ah, Midnight.”

  One hand pushes on his ass, and the other has his cock. My need is so great, so urgent, I can’t think straight. He bends forward and presses his lips to my temple, my neck, my mouth, and then he plunges all the way inside. I lock my ankles behind him as he fucks me, kisses me, holds my neck, and locks gazes with me. It’s the headiest sensation imaginable.

  My stomach tightens in a weird way, like I’ve never felt before. Everything inside me flutters and I’m caught in a hurricane of Harrison, swept away by an emotional tide I didn’t think was possible. He takes my hand and links our fingers together. Never did I think such a gesture was intimate, until now. I kiss his chest, shoulder, anywhere my mouth can touch, until we both feel that flame igniting inside us as we orgasm together.

  What the fuck just happened?

  Finally, he says, “We just had sex without a condom.”

  “Uh, yeah.”

  “Are you on the pill?”

  “Yeah. Are you clean?”

  “Yeah. I never have sex without protection. What about you?”

  “Yeah. I’ve been tested repeatedly. My last test was after New York and I’m still good.”

  Then he lets out a raspy chuckle. “That was some heavy shit, right?”

  “Yeah.” My belly clenches again as I think of it.

  His dark brown eyes seek out my own as his lips brush over mine. “Regretting what just happened?”

  I slowly nod. “Not at all. Are you?”

  He kisses me again, and this time it’s slow and sensual, stealing the air from me. He reminds me that his kisses make me forget about everything else.

  “Does that answer your question?”

  My smile is my answer.

  Chapter 22


  She’s a tumbled mess beneath me, but a potent thing just passed between us. I don’t know what to call it because it doesn’t have a name. For a minute there, I was worried she’d run. She was shy—innocent, even. And it was sexy as hell. Her hair gleams as the sun’s rays touch upon the long strands, and I can’t stop touching her soft skin. My fingers rest on the curve of her cheekbone as my thumb follows the plump lines of her slightly parted lips. Her tongue peeks out to touch the tip of my thumb, so I push it in deeper and feel the heat of her as she puckers her lips and sucks. Her teeth bite down—not too hard or soft—and it makes me want to feel her around my cock again.

  Pulling her into a sitting position, I lift her into my arms and carry her inside. “While I enjoy being outside, the bed is much more comfortable.”

  The sheets are still rumpled from when we got up and I lay her down on top of them.

  “Harrison, what we did out there. I know you probably think I do this a lot, but I don’t. The truth is I never do this.”

  “You don’t owe me any explanations.”

  “I know, but I wanted to tell you that.”

  There are so many questions I want to ask, but I don’t. Porn was a business for her so I leave it at that. If I let it mind fuck with me, I’ll be the broken one for sure. Besides, there’s a double standard. If I were the man who made my living doing it, no one would care.

  She draws a circle on my chest. “What’s the kinkiest thing you’ve ever done?”

  “Seriously? You want to know that?”


  I rub my face, then roll on my side and prop myself on my elbow. “I guess I’m pretty vanilla. Spanking and anal is about the kinkiest I’ve ever gotten.”

  “You like anal?”

  I shrug. “It’s fine. I just like to fuck.” I grin. “What about you?”

  Her eyes shutter. “I’ve only fucked in films and it’s all been pretty basic. No BDSM or anything like that.” Her mouth turns down. “Other than what went down in New York.”

/>   I smooth her hair. “That doesn’t count.” My tone is soft and I pull her on top of me.

  “You watched it, didn’t you?”

  “I had to.”

  She buries her face on my chest. Her voice is muffled when she says, “I hate that.”

  “Don’t. Besides, they won’t ever do it to anyone again.”

  “How can you be so sure?”

  “I can. And they won’t. You’ll just have to trust me on this.”

  She lifts up to look at me. “What did you do?”

  “I made sure they won’t bother anyone ever again, especially you. But don’t ask me what I did.”

  Her lips purse and that very look, the way her mouth puckers, has me pulling her in to kiss them. I tell myself it’s to get her mind off topic, but that’s not the real reason. The truth is I can’t possibly keep my hands and mouth off her. I thought once would be enough to get her out of my system. It wasn’t. She’s irresistible. I’m tied up in knots.

  My hand reaches behind her to find her pussy because I’m already growing hard again. She’s still on top of me, lying on my dick, but it’s not very comfortable, as it needs a little more room. I shift her to the right and open her thighs. What I really want is to see her ride me. I want to watch her come on top of me with her head thrown back, her nipples hard, and all that gorgeous hair hanging down.

  Midnight’s name suits her because her hair is dark as the color of night. But her birth name suited her as well. Her skin is as soft as velvet and I can’t keep my hands off her.

  Her mouth moves to my nipple and she tightens her teeth around it while her tongue flicks back and forth. My heart picks up as I watch and forget myself for a moment. She outlines my nipple with her tongue while her fingers sink into the muscles of my pecs. Even though it’s not as sexual as her sucking me off, it’s so intimate to watch, it makes me want to kiss every inch of her perfect skin. At that exact moment, she lifts her head, our gazes connect, and I grab her, pulling her up so I can taste her mouth.

  “I want to be inside of you.” Reaching for the drawer, I grab a condom.

  “Do you think that’s really necessary?” Her smirk puts a smile on my face.

  “If you’re okay with it ...”

  “If we’re exclusive ...”

  “Yes.” The word is spoken forcefully. It occurs to me I wouldn’t want it any other way. Is she the one? Am I in love with her? This is way too fast. My mom always said I’d know and that it wouldn’t take me long. But this ... this is crazy. But isn’t love crazy? Nah, I’m not in love. This is only lust. I want her all the time. I think about her all the time. When I thought she was in danger, I almost lost my shit. I want exclusivity with her. So, is it love?

  She grabs my face and kisses me.

  I lie back down and say, “Ride me.”

  She straddles me and I swear to God, I could watch this show all day. Except I can’t because I’m an inept man. And I come exactly like a teenager. You’d think I hadn’t had sex in ages. She unravels me so quickly, it’s almost disturbing.

  “Jesus. I’m sorry.” I’m sort of embarrassed.

  “For what?”

  I scrub my face. “Thought I had a little more staying power than that.”

  “It must be my amazing talent.”

  It has nothing to do with talent. It’s much more than that, but I don’t know how to respond. She’s gotten to me, only I’m not sure I’m ready for this. Pulling her down, I say, “It’s your amazing beauty.” That part’s true. There’s a certain quality about her, an air that’s unusual. She’s exotic, not the typical California blond you see everywhere, tanned with blue eyes. Midnight is dark and mysterious. And she definitely has secrets, which add to her mystique.

  “What?” she asks.

  I’ve been fixated on her, burning her with my gaze. “You’re unlike anyone I’ve ever known.”

  “I can say the same thing. And to your point, I hope it’s a good thing.”

  “It is.” I kiss her. Changing the topic, I ask, “How would you like a bath?”

  “I’d love one.”

  We soak in the jetted tub and when the water turns chilly, I hand her a fluffy towel and dry myself off as well.

  “Is there anything in particular you want to do today?”

  “Just chill.”

  “You can hang by the pool while I run some errands, if that’s okay.”

  “Sure. I’d love that. I didn’t know you had one.”

  “It’s down below. You can access it from the lower level,” I say.

  “Of course. Why didn’t I think of that?” She slaps her forehead and laughs.

  “There’s a media room down there too, if you’d care to watch a movie.”

  “Don’t say that nasty word,” she teases. “That’s the last thing I want to do. I’d rather waste away on a beach chair or by the pool.”

  She situates herself by the pool, where she’s only steps away from the beach if she decides to take a dip in the chilly Pacific Ocean. I go to my home office and make a few calls. The incident last night has disturbed me more than I let on.

  “What’s up, boss?” Leland answers.

  I explain the details of the shooting. “See if you can dig into anything.”

  “Hmm. With what you just gave me, I doubt it. Sounds like whoever was responsible did some surveillance before the actual shooting. My guess it was a scare tactic.”

  “Mine too. The bullets hit too high up for it to be anything else. It’s what the cops said last night too.”

  “Does her parking lot have security cameras?”

  “No, dammit. The place is quiet, in a safe neighborhood. Her landlord probably never felt the need. I want to talk to him today.”

  “I hate to even tell you this, but I have nothing to go on.”

  My fingers thrum a rhythm on the desk. “I figured that’s what you’d say. Looks like I’m going to have to have another talk with Mr. Ward.”

  “Before you do that, why don’t we get someone to keep a close eye on him?”

  “How close are you thinking?”

  “Real close.”

  I grab a pen and start making swirls on a pad of sticky notes. Nodding, I say, “Yeah, I like that idea. Do it. Monday.”

  “I’ll let you know when everything’s set.”

  “Thanks, Leland.”

  My next call is to Misha. She has some contacts at the LAPD who might be able to help. I quickly fill her in and she says she’ll call if she hears anything.

  The landlord gets a call next. He assures me the window will be repaired by the end of the day and I discuss the advantage of installing security cameras in the parking lot. He agrees to look into it. The guy sounds truly overwhelmed by this turn of events. In the twenty years since he’s owned the six buildings making up the complex, he’s never had so much as an attempted break-in or an incidence of vandalism in the parking lot. To have something this severe has really shaken him. I’d like to ease his mind about it, but I can’t.

  Onto the next item on my list. Midnight has no interest in doing anything away from the house, so I call Emily. She knows every caterer in LA.

  “Hey, I need a hand. Who can I get to come over and cook a dinner here tonight? I know it’s short notice, but ...”

  “I’ll say. Let me think. Oh, what about that new Argentinian chef who’s trying to break into the scene here?”

  “See what you can work up for me, will you? I’ll owe you.”

  “What time do you want him there?”

  “Whatever time it would take for him to prepare something really great.”

  “Got it.”

  I turn on the computer, take care of a few things, and notice that all my billing is up to date. Helen really is doing a fantastic job. I make a note to have a chat with her on Monday, to check and see how she’s acclimating to her new home.

  I’m on my way out to check on Midnight when my phone buzzes.

  “Hey, Mom. What’s going on?”

  “We’re just calling to check in.”

  “Great. Everything okay back home?”

  “Fine, son, just fine,” Dad chimes in.

  “Harrison, are you coming home for the holidays?”

  “Yes, Mom. I’ll be there for Christmas.”

  “Oh, that’s just wonderful,” she says. I immediately feel guilty for having stayed away so long. She fills me in with what’s happening back home and then concludes with telling me that Missy Truluck is still single. “I think she’ll be around on Christmas. Should I invite her over?”

  “Oh God, Mom, no!”

  “Laura, leave the poor man alone. He can find his own dates,” Dad says.

  “Thanks, Dad.”

  “Just trying to help.”

  “Mom, Missy Truluck hasn’t had a date since high school.”

  “Oh, Harrison, that isn’t true.”

  “Yes, I think it is.”

  “She came to the Garden Party Tea last week and brought the latest doilies she made and they were beautiful. I almost asked her to make some for your end tables.”

  “Mom!” I’m so horrified, I don’t know what to say.

  “Well, I didn’t because I knew you wouldn’t display them.”

  My mother keeps talking, but I’m mostly silent. I think about what Mom would say if she met Midnight. The truth is she would probably love anyone I dated.

  “We’ll talk soon, honey.” And they end the call.

  I finally get back to Midnight and find her sleeping in the sun. I take a moment to appreciate the view. She’s naked, lying on her back, one arm stretched over her head. It’s all I can do not to run my finger across her nipple and tease its perfect peak. I’m glad the terrace around the pool is completely private, allowing her to relax like this.

  My thoughts take a detour, however, when they veer to others seeing her naked. Many have, and it’s something I’m going to have to learn to deal with. I can’t let it drive me crazy, but dammit, thoughts of other men jerking off to her don’t sit well with me. And then I remember that I’m one of those men. That makes me just as bad as they are. But how the hell was I to know this would happen?

  Son of a bitch.

  “What? What’s wrong?”